Next Generation Firewall (NGFW)
Bezpieczeństwo IT 
Infrastruktura IT i OT 
Usługi IT 
Next Generation Firewall (NGFW)
The Next Generation Firewall (NGFW) combines a traditional firewall with other network device filtering features, such as an application firewall using deep packet inspection (DPI) in-line, intrusion prevention system (IPS).
Next-generation firewalls perform deeper inspection compared to that performed by earlier-generation firewalls. NGFWs apply a more thorough style of inspection, checking packets and matching signatures for malicious activity, such as exploitable attacks and malware.
To secure your company’s data, NGFW includes antivirus, ransomware and spam protection, as well as endpoint protection. This helps reduce the number of tools needed to perform the same tasks.
Response to the challenge
Reduce the risk of attackers taking over company computers. Establish security policies at the application, port, and protocol levels.
What can you get when deploying an NGFW
NGFW, using mechanisms beyond the functionality of a classic firewall, enables traffic control at the application layer, thus preventing intrusions.
Application monitoring, web filtering, DLP, intrusion detection and prevention (IPS),
Wireless network control and remote access via VPN,
Two-factor authentication (tokens),
WAN bandwidth utilization optimization,
Integrated wireless controller, IPv6 support, VoIP support