Vulnerability scanning
Bezpieczeństwo IT 
Infrastruktura IT i OT 
Vulnerability scanning
In today’s world, where technology is an integral part of everyday life, the issue of cybersecurity has become a priority for organisations around the world. Regardless of size or sector of operation, every company needs to pay attention to potential threats and vulnerabilities in its IT infrastructure. At the heart of this effort are two fundamental aspects: vulnerability scanning and threat intelligence. These two elements form the foundation of effective cyber security risk management. There are several companies specialising in these areas, and Rapid7 is one of them.
Vulnerability scanning
Vulnerability scanning is the process of identifying security vulnerabilities in information systems. Vulnerability scanners scour networks, servers, applications, and other digital assets to find potential vulnerabilities that can be exploited by cybercriminals. Rapid7 offers advanced vulnerability scanning tools, such as InsightVM and Nexpose, which are essential for maintaining security in a rapidly changing digital environment.
The reports generated by the vulnerability scanners provide detailed information about the vulnerabilities found, such as their nature, potential consequences of exploitation, and recommended remedies. As a result, organisations are able to prioritise remediation, minimising the risk of attack.
Vulnerability scanning is essential for effective cyber security management. By identifying and remediating vulnerabilities, organizations can better protect their systems and data. In today’s world, where a cyber attack is not a question of ‘if’ but ‘when, these two elements are key to maintaining security. Companies like Rapid7 provide the necessary tools and solutions to help organisations fulfil these key security functions.
Response to the challenge
Detection of vulnerabilities and security gaps in information systems